Donate Now

Ready to donate to the Whales of Guerrero?

Your tax-deductible gift makes it possible for us to make groundbreaking scientific discoveries, connect 2000+ students with nature every year, support responsible ecotourism, monitor and protect whales and dolphins and help to bring Guerrero’s marine ecosystem back from the brink of collapse.

All donations are tax-deductible to the full extent allowable by US law. Whales of Guerrero is a tax exempt 501c3 organization and our EIN# is 83-1162579. We will send you a receipt of your donation for tax-purposes.

To donate by check, make your check payable to Whales of Guerrero and send it to:

Whales of Guerrero
PO Box 352
Mendocino, CA 95460

More ways to give:
We are pleased and honored to be able to accept donations of stock, in-kind gifts, cryptocurrency,  and to work with you to establish legacy gifting so that your gift may continue for generations to come. Find out more here.

Long term funding goals:
In addition to supporting ourselves with on-going donations from people like you, we are also pursuing grant, corporate and foundation support.

We partner with Oceanic Society and SEE Turtles to bring VIP tours to the area to participate in our research expeditions and explore the region through a biologist’s eyes. These tours, along with grants, sponsorships and donations from people like you, help to support both the region and the project in the future.

Check out this year’s expeditions and eco-tour offerings here!